Monday 26 September 2011


 The Editorial Team,
 The Economics' Circle.

The question is existential. Why are we setting up a blog about 37 hours before mid-term exams? Why do we want to publish a fortnightly newspaper? Why are we spamming your facebook walls with the link that has brought you here? Why?

 The Euro is proving to be a Titanic-of-sorts for currencies, America's credit rating is only 3 points above mine (and it's the end of the month), Venezuela wants to have a 'just price' policy, Sudanese and Libyan elites cannot stop smiling at the family pack of crude oil in their backyard, Palestinians (remember them?) are still trying to convince the world that they are a nation, India is 'reviewing' its poverty line estimates and we care. So while the Circle keeps our honor intact and plans things of great magnitude, we have the opportunity to dabble in greater trivlialties, daily.

 We're ecopinionated. And proud of it.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Can't wait for more. Go Palestine! :D

  3. this cracked me up. well written

  4. Ecopinionated. Ha!

    Do you need another reason to read this blog?
