Monday 26 September 2011

The Epicenter of Ecopinionation

The Economics Department of St. Xavier’s College is committed to pursuing strategies to balance up and down interest rates, aided by the indefatigable faculty and abetted by bailouts of economists of national repute who tide over the bankruptcies in academia due to typical student indifference. They are constantly engaged in formulating accommodating policies and actions to revive flagging student enthusiasm thereby inspiring to convert a recession into double-digit inflation. The group which always brings along its AAA game seeks to counteract dips in class attendance as well as fund attention deficits.
The Economics team provide massive, sustained aid to stir up masses and abate individual ignorance through a balanced portfolio of guest lectures, honours programmes and seminars. The measures undertaken in this fiscal year are guaranteed to reduce indifference to participation while maximizing returns at college festivals. The investors in this group have definitely mastered achievement of peak performance!  


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