Tuesday 27 September 2011

Dear Harrowed,

We at the editorial team hope that you are putting in the minimal crictical effort to get over the moral hazard of whether to study or not. An exam is nothing but an expression of the asymetry of information (clearly I've only studied module 4). But, my friends, we are Xavierites, we are no 'lemons' in a market for used cars. Forth and fear no darkness!


Ps. You should really not be reading this. I know what you're thinking, yeah, yeah, yeah, I shouldn't be writing this, but hey I get a certificate.

Monday 26 September 2011


A stellar, intelligent, dialectical, debatable, engaging, critical, fortnightly and for now, unnamed, Economics' Circle publication.

AT A PREMIER NEWS STAND (or classroom, whatever) NEAR YOU.


 The Editorial Team,
 The Economics' Circle.

The question is existential. Why are we setting up a blog about 37 hours before mid-term exams? Why do we want to publish a fortnightly newspaper? Why are we spamming your facebook walls with the link that has brought you here? Why?

 The Euro is proving to be a Titanic-of-sorts for currencies, America's credit rating is only 3 points above mine (and it's the end of the month), Venezuela wants to have a 'just price' policy, Sudanese and Libyan elites cannot stop smiling at the family pack of crude oil in their backyard, Palestinians (remember them?) are still trying to convince the world that they are a nation, India is 'reviewing' its poverty line estimates and we care. So while the Circle keeps our honor intact and plans things of great magnitude, we have the opportunity to dabble in greater trivlialties, daily.

 We're ecopinionated. And proud of it.


The Epicenter of Ecopinionation

The Economics Department of St. Xavier’s College is committed to pursuing strategies to balance up and down interest rates, aided by the indefatigable faculty and abetted by bailouts of economists of national repute who tide over the bankruptcies in academia due to typical student indifference. They are constantly engaged in formulating accommodating policies and actions to revive flagging student enthusiasm thereby inspiring to convert a recession into double-digit inflation. The group which always brings along its AAA game seeks to counteract dips in class attendance as well as fund attention deficits.
The Economics team provide massive, sustained aid to stir up masses and abate individual ignorance through a balanced portfolio of guest lectures, honours programmes and seminars. The measures undertaken in this fiscal year are guaranteed to reduce indifference to participation while maximizing returns at college festivals. The investors in this group have definitely mastered achievement of peak performance!  


About the Ecopinionated!

 Ask not what the gazette can do for you, but what you can do for the gazette! With an enthusiastic editorial team in place and a new semester around the corner, the gazette is bursting to stir things up and bring out your inner Eco-Freak. So if you have a theory, a twist, a turn or an Economic burn that you just HAVE to get out there, meet the people who share your fervour:

 With a soul of pure honey and a mind buzzing with more knowledge than an encyclopaedia, our chief-editor is a policy man with the heart of an activist, Rishi aims to raise the bar and set some serious standards. This raising of bars is perfectly complemented by the opening of doors: a vision of horizontal integration shared by sub-editors Ayesha, Nayantara and Aishwarya. Bringing you the lighter side of things, the Angels to Rishi’s Charlie are guaranteed to drop your jaw, tickle your funny bones, and bring the elusive world of Economics to your doorstep.

 With a team this dynamic, be sure to look out for a bit of absurdity, a dash of the daring, and a bucketful of insight to be thrown your way in the Gazette 2011!
